Ms. Bergman's Virtual Resources
Period A responded in their journals, but these are good questions to consider for both period A and period D:

Why do you think Harper Lee chose to end the first part of the book with Chapter 11?

Part 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird opens with Calpurnia taking Jem and Scout to her church. What do you think the children gained from the experience?
Before we start reading Romeo and Juliet, consider what you already know about the play. What is it about? Have you heard references to it before in other places (music, TV)?

What is a tragedy? You can cite an example from your life, a story about a friend, something from the news or history.

How would you define tragic love? Can you think of any examples in history or popular culture in addition to Romeo and Juliet?

Write about your answers to these questions in your journal. It needs to be at least one page, but it can be more!

Choose one of the following topics and write a few paragraphs in response. You may want to write it in Word or Pages then copy and paste it as a comment on this blog post.

  1. Write a diary entry from the perspective of Miss Maudie. Discuss her conversation with Scout about Boo Radley.
  2. Write the scene where Jem loses his pants from Jem's perspective.

(How to Comment: Click the "# Comments" above the post, use your first name and last initial only, your google docs email and you can leave website blank. Paste your post into the comment box.)